Being sent into cancel culture.

Jun 19, 2023

Our recent video in our new “Go Deeper” series looks at cancel culture and the closely related hijacking of our justice systems.

Scripture readings from this past week are closely related to both.

In Friday’s observance of Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the first reading recounts how Israel was set apart by God.  But as God communicated to Abraham and again to Moses, they were set apart so that they could then go out into the world as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” and, “so that all the families of the earth may receive blessing through you.” (Gen 12:3)

The entire Old Testament recounts how the ancient Israelites, on their own, could not fulfill that mission.  They kept either falling into the evil practices of the pagans or else shutting out the pagan world and puffing themselves up with religious legalism.

And thus Christ came into history to establish a New Covenant and to empower them (and us) with His Spirit.  We saw the first phase of that in Sunday’s Gospel reading, with the Apostles being sent out to “cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons.” 

We’re called to do the same, only the names have changed.  These days we have the leprosy of cell-phone addiction, the demons of trans-ideology, and the death of social isolation. 

In our Go Deeper video we look at how the cancel culture and weaponization of the legal system is really the work of our classic three enemies to divert us from our mission:

  1. Our fallen nature tends to be a conformist.
  2. The fallen world knows that about us and tries to ensnare us in that conformity.
  3. Satan is the ultimate force behind this, because conformity to the fallen world is a powerful way to drive a wedge between us and God, and His plan for our life.

Most times, when we see someone being persecuted by “the world,” or have that little inkling to self-censor (I can’t say that) - that’s the enemy trying to ensnare us through conformity. 

Yes, we need to be charitable, and prudent (innocent as doves yet wise as serpents) – but ultimately Christ desires us to bring Him to the world, just as He called Abraham and just as He sent the Apostles.   The world was hostile then.  The world is hostile now.  But there is something else that hasn’t changed – Christ is still Lord of all, and still desires to work through us flawed-but-hopeful humans.

Blessings on your journey with Christ - 

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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