Called and Sent - in a unique way.

11th sunday of ordinary time called and sent fallen world mt 9:36-10:8 vocation year a Jun 14, 2023

This Sunday’s Gospel reading from Matthew (Mt. 9:36-10:8) brings us Jesus both calling and sending the Apostles out on mission.

As has been said, Jesus both calls and sends the apostles – and each of us.  And there’s an important caveat – they (and we) are called and sent individually.  Jesus calls each of the twelve by name. 

We all have a mission in life – our vocation, and it’s inseparably tied to our role in the world and in history as a unique person, created by God.  Each of us is irreplaceable.  What a beautiful message from our Creator!

The fallen world is dead set against that.

This week’s video (which will come out tomorrow) is from a new “Go Deeper” series of videos, in which we look at the spiritual truths that shed light the fallen world around us.  In this case, we look at how the fallen world, despite all the talk of diversity and tolerance, endeavors to crush individuality and force people into conformity.

As always, our safe haven (as well as our true self) is found in the Lord, Who in Sunday’s readings reminds us, “you shall be My special possession.”

Blessings on your journey with Christ –

Steve and Karen Smith

Interior Life

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