The Trinity and Mr. Rogers - being present.

trinity Jun 04, 2023

– lost in the past or projecting into the future.

Some of us have a particular, umm, mental agility at drifting away.  Back in the day we would be called “space cadets”. 

The idea of being present, or not, is a particularly human characteristic.  The great Peter Kreeft puts it this way:   “A thing cannot be present, it can only be.  Only a person can be present.  Things are just ‘there’; persons are ‘here.’  When your name is called you can say ‘Present!’  A stone can’t.”

We certainly experience this in our own relationships.  For sure you’ve had the experience of trying to talk with someone but they’ve completely “check out.”  It’s not a great feeling.  The reverse is also true – it is uniquely affirming when we sense someone is completely focused on us. 

We just watched “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” – the 2019 portrayal of Mr. Rogers starring Tom Hanks.  If you’ve not seen it, you owe it to yourself, just like you owe yourself a good night’s sleep or a nice walk in the woods – it’s that good for the soul.

The movie draws out, in many beautiful scenes, Mr. Roger’s gift for being truly present with people.  “Would you like to be my neighbor?”  Any day Mr. Rogers.  Any day.

Here’s the key – our ability to be truly present with others is a reflection of the Trinity. 

Let’s go back to Professor Kreeft, “God is present to us because He is presence itself.  The three Persons of the Trinity are subsisting relationships to each other, present to each other.  God’s presence to Himself by self-knowledge is the Word (Jesus); His presence by love is the Holy Spirit.”

Those are the two ways that we are truly present with others - by thinking about them and loving them – the two great actions of our spiritual soul.

And the extra spark that God the Father created in us is that our intellect and will are embodied.  So that we can give someone a hug that says, “I’m hugging you with all my mind and all my heart.”

Blessings on your journey with Christ - 

Steve and Karen Smith



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